Meet, Bennie! The CEO and Barker-In-Chief of Casey Cullen Counseling!
Bennie is a one year old Berniedoodle, who is most often sitting on the floor during sessions. (If you want to say hi during session, let me know!) Bennie spends most of his day chasing birds and rabbits, going for walks, asking for treats and taking naps. He is alway around to lend an ear, play some tug or give a kiss and a hug. He takes his job as Barker-in-Chief very seriously, and will alert you very quickly if any rabbit or bird comes within 20 feet.
Bennie is a true pandemic puppy, born on March 23, 2020. He has grown up in a world where humans are always around him, and it often causes him great stress and worry when humans are not near. Just as humans have needed to adjust coping skills throughout this year, Bennie continues to learn new skills to adjust to changing environments and that he can trust himself to learn how to cope. He continues to try small steps in trusting himself with new environments and situations (when the humans leave for literally 15 minutes) and he learns that he is able to survive. Coping skills work the same for dogs as humans. We learn to trust ourselves, we try small steps and see how we feel, we push ourselves out of our comfort zone in small ways, and eventually those small ways lead to big changes. The humans support the growth in the dogs, just as we have support networks to encourage our small steps. Therapy can be that support network.
Take smalls steps in learning to trust yourself and trust your ability to adapt to change and new environments, you will be so surprised the amount of growth that can create.
Be like Bennie!